Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Ok, so some people are telling me they have no idea what I am talking about, so I'm making a glossary. I'll update this post as I think of more things

AI: all-in

AIPF: all in pre flop

BB: big blind

BTN: button - pretty much best absolute position most of the time - you get to act last!

CO: cutoff - position before the btn (button)

Donk: bad player

FD: flush draw

IMO: in my opinion

LAG: loose-aggressive - preflop style where you raise a wider range of hands

MP: middle position - in 6 max this is the position after UTG and before CO (cutoff)

OESD: open-ended straight draw (typically 8 outs)

OESFD: open-ended straight flush draw (typically 15 outs and often time to push the chips in)

PFR: preflop raise, how often a player raises preflop - the higher it is the more aggressive they are

SB: small blind

TAG: tight-aggressive - preflop style where you raise a narrower range of hands

under the gun, the first positiion AFTER the BB (big blind)

: voluntarily put in pot, this is a PokerTracker statistic that measures how loose/tight a player is preflop. it's calculated by dividing the number of times a player puts money in the pot by total hands

WTF: what the f*#%

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